
Showing posts from April, 2020
Brickmania Kit PT 109 Review          Yes, I did break the bank and purchased this set at Brickfair VA in 2019. I think I walked past the set at least a dozen times at the show. Finally, I decided it was now or never. I knew the set was not going to be restocked any time soon. It was near the end of its print run. They only had two copies at the stand. At a retail price of about 2000 dollars, it was the most I had ever spent for any Lego or Lego Market build. The only question is was it worth it?     Everything about this set was as close to Lego excellence as it could get. The instruction manual was easy to read and follow. The box was durable and well packaged. The colors in the instruction manual were crisp and distinct.     This was a complicated build. I worked on it on and off for six months. There were times, I had to step away from it not out of frustration, but because the unique design began to fill my imagination. It propelled me to do more reading about the PT 1

Basics of a Bricklink Store

My Bricklink Store       What are my thoughts on running a Bricklink store? Well, if you are not passionate about Lego, you should not open a Bricklink store. It really is that simple. Passion for the endeavor itself is the number one Lots of  hours running a Bricklink store. prerequisite to any new venture. When people pursue a new venture just because they think it will make money, the venture almost always fails.  The Case for Passion 1.  Passion is the needed fuel to propel any new buisness. Liking what you do will keep you going through those lean first few years. Chances are you were already doing it on the side, because you like it. It grows into a buisness over time.  2.  Passion allows you to learn all the details of your product . The more information you have leads you to make informed choices. If you have no passion for what you are doing, your efforts will be hollow. You won't grow, and your buisness will not grow.  3. Passion propels enthu
    Lego UCS A-Wing Fighter     I remember the first time I ever saw the A Wing. I was a kid watching Return of the Jedi in the theater. I saw this hot rod looking fighter zipping around like a sports car. It had a sleeker design then the rest of the rebel fighters. The pilot even had a green jumpsuit (green being one of my favorite colors.) I was so thrilled sitting in my theater seat imagining I was an A Wing fighter pilot. How about some love for Aryel Crynyd. (Played by unaccredited Hilton McRae.) He was the heroic A- Wing pilot who crashed into a Super Star Destroyer disabling it in a blaze of glory.     Fast forward to 2020, and Lego has given us the UCS A Wing!     Well Lego has done several A Wing fighter sets over the last ten years. This is the first UCS A Wing we have gotten. I suppose the big question is does this set live up to others in the UCS line, and my answer is heck yes!       I thought I was done with the Star Wars UCS line. There are just so many sets. Just w