Basics of a Bricklink Store

My Bricklink Store 
     What are my thoughts on running a Bricklink store? Well, if you are not passionate about Lego, you should not open a Bricklink store. It really is that simple. Passion for the endeavor itself is the number one
Lots of  hours running a Bricklink store.
prerequisite to any new venture. When people pursue a new venture just because they think it will make money, the venture almost always fails. 

The Case for Passion

1.  Passion is the needed fuel to propel any new buisness. Liking what you do will keep you going through those lean first few years. Chances are you were already doing it on the side, because you like it. It grows into a buisness over time. 

2.  Passion allows you to learn all the details of your product. The more information you have leads you to make informed choices. If you have no passion for what you are doing, your efforts will be hollow. You won't grow, and your buisness will not grow. 

3. Passion propels enthusiasim. People are naturally attracted to enthusiasim. It makes customer interactions more dynamic. A friendly welcoming atmosphere is created. Customers are more likely to return after a pleasant experience. 

      In short, if all you care about is the money itself, you will struggle running any kind of buisness. This is especially true of Bricklink. Running a Bricklink store takes a lot of hours. It is heavy labor intensive. Passion is the nucleus that will keep your store running especially in the begining.


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