Lego Animals

    Ah yes, animals. We all love them. Farm animals, wild animals, and domesticated animals have all filled our hearts with joy and wonder. In the Lego world animals can provide some serious bucks as well.
    To be clear, I am going to take a look at Lego animals that come in the regular sets. Animals that come in Duplo sets will be a separate discussion at another time. Let's do this.

     The first animal, the goat, came out in the Village Mill Raid set back in 2011. To date, this is the only mini figure scale goat Lego has ever done. How much has this little guy appreciated? He currently resells at 31 dollars a pop. The retail price on the set he came in was 70 dollars. Granted, his value is high because Lego has not done another goat. In any case, if you have one hang on to him. 

        A couple of years ago, I was going to buy one off Bricklink. At the time, the goat was reselling at around 20 dollars. He has appreciated an additional 33 percent in just two years. Needless to say, that is to rich for my blood. I will have to settle for just being the goat not owning one.

     The second example is the big daddy dragon of them all, Smaug. He came in the Lonely Mountain set in 2014. The set retailed for $130 dollars. Smaug is currently reselling at $ 130 dollars. In just 5 years, he is worth more than the retail value of the original price of the set. Two years ago you could have gotten for about 100 dollars. He gets more valuable every year since Lego has never released another Smaug. 

     I was going to pick up the set back in 2016 during the final year of its print run. I put it off. I was irritated with what I thought was a high price for the set. Looking back, I wish I had just bought it and not let it slip away. No Smaug for me. At 130 dollars, I doubt I will get one.
     Bottom line Lego animals can fetch a good price. So, the next time you get upset about a high priced set check to see if it has a cool animal in it. It just might be worth getting anyway.


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