This is the one I bought for my son back in 2000.
 Lego Haul Slave 1
 20th Anniversary Edition

 I bought the   first Lego Slave 1 for my son when he was really tiny. He did manage to build it. Of course all these years later, the mini figures are MIA. Luckily, he still had most of the parts in a bin including the black brick with the frozen Han Solo printed on it. A few years ago, he donated the bin to me. He declared he outgrew them. I just smiled. Like we outgrow our favorite childhood toys right? As a tribute to him, I decided to make it my mission to get every Slave 1 set built and on display on my shelf.

Well, the 20th Anniversary Slave 1 did arrive yesterday. Some sets, you don't invest in. Rather, you build. This is one of those. My son won't be here physically to help me build this one. He is out of state. I miss him, and I think this build will remind me of the joy I saw on his face back in 2000 when I bought the first Slave 1 for him. Well, enough of the trip down memory lane. Let's get it unboxed, built, and on display. The next Slave 1 awaits.


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