76125 Iron Man Hall of Armor

    First of all how cool was Tony Stark's lab and hall of armor in the movie? I mean he isn't even hiding his super cool lab in some underground cave. Instead, he has it under his living room overlooking a sweeping view of the California coastline. The best of both worlds right? Tinker in the lab, watch the game, and picnic on the beach all within a short walk of each other. After seeing that lifestyle, who would want to live in some gothic stuffy mansion and spend all day in a moldy Batcave? Bruce Wayne move over. Tony Stark has been reimagined and is now the centerpiece of the cinematic superhero universe!
     Gee can you tell I like Ironman more than Batman? I do. Personal feelings aside though, this is a great set. It would have been nice to see it more fleshed out, but that would also mean more parts and a higher price point. Bigger sets pound for pound do not always equal higher profits.
     To get an idea of how this set will do in the long run, I chose the 76007 Malibu Mansion Attack set from 2013. This set came out as Iron Man 3 hit the theaters. It was a tragic moment as Tony Stark's swanky pad got leveled by cruise missiles. The set had a retail price of $40 dollars. It is currently reselling at $72. The set did not double, and we are going on 7 years after its release. It has appreciated about 11 percent per year.
       If the Hall of Armor set follows the same path as the Malibu Mansion Attack, the numbers are not that exciting. It pushes the price to about 95 dollars in 5 years. Those are in Simon Cowell's words, "Positively dreadful." As if this is not bad enough, the Hall of Armor set has been on discount during its entire run. I have seen it discounted at retailers too not just Amazon. That is just not a good sign. Granted sets get
discounted from time to time, but not usually through its entire print run.
     The bottom line is that I would stay away from this set. If it gets to a 50 percent discount, then I say go for it. Otherwise pass on it. There are much better sets out there for your investment money. I love Iron Man, but love is love and business is business. Avoid the set, I would rather spend the money on the Iron Man Coffee Maker!



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